Who knows how to present gift - knows how to live

For the first time in the history of humanity we started scientific, systematic and detailed research of one of the main people's problems - the Problem of Gift. We got scientists, journalists, art specialists, writers, artists and designers to take part in research. Materials concerned different gifting situations are gathered in funds of Gift Academy: recommendations, recipes, advices, examples.

Gift Academy experts find and choose the best gift products from all over the world. This products take part in special exhibitions in Moscow and St.Petersburg. The products are available for sale in Gift Academy web-shop and are delivered to all regions in Russia via highly developed trading network.

Gift Academy works directly with state structures and the largest Russian companies. Among our clients are President Administration, Parliament, Department of Defense, Department of Communication, Moscow city administration, regional Administrations, embassies and consulates, Gazprom, Lukoil etc.

If you are manufacturer of high-quality gifts and you would like to promote the gifts in Russia - sent us your catalog, wholesale prices and samples supply conditions. Russia is the most dynamically developing market in the world. Russia is the country, where gifts are traditionally important in people's private and business relations.

Welcome to Gift Academy, welcome to Russia!

email: info@acapod.ru

fax: +7 (812) 3461168

Post: 197101 St.Petersburg Russia P.Box 514